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Oh my goodness this Married At First Sight season is flying by, there’s only four weeks left until decision day! On this week’s episode it’s time to get deeper with these couples! Anddd it’s phone swap time, one of the hubbies thinks his wife has a drinking problem and another has pictures of his ex girlfriend… let’s dive right into this!

Steph and AJ are the perfect team and a super power couple! It seems like they balance each other out… anddd have just the right amount of silliness! What do you guys think? Is there such a thing as too good to be true, especially for just being married at first sight?!

Hmmm so it seems like Luke’s been sharing some secrets with the producers and not with Kate. Yikes this doesn’t sound good! That’s where Dr Pepper comes in and tries to help them talk it out! Luke shared that he feels pressured that he has to kiss her, especially when she’s drinking. Luke spilled that he thinks that she has a drinking problem, but he can’t seem to find a specific example… I don’t know guys what do you think?

Trust and honesty is key for them to get over this hurdle. Kate’s not letting him off the hook easy and I don’t blame her! I hope that he can start opening up to her more and letting her in because they have so much potential!!

Time for a phone swap: Married At First Sight Style

Alrighty, so this exercise is all about trust, privacy, honesty and communication! We didn’t do this exercise when we were married at first sight, but I wonder what would’ve happened if we did!

But…uhh ohh seems like Kristine came along a picture she wasn’t too happy about while looking through Keith’s . How would you guys feel if they still had pics of their ex? I can see where Kristine is coming from and she wants him to delete all the risqué pictures. I think that this is a step that’s super important so they can move on and fully be invested in their marriage. I think Pastor Cal really helped them to see both sides and move past it

On the other hand, the fish bowl exercise seems to be helping Will and Jasmine open up on a deeper level! The homework the experts I feel like the fish bowl exercise always bring the couples closer

AJ and Steph got into a bit of an argument over where to watch the football game… but hey I get it AJ, I get hangry too sometimes but Once I get food I’m good haha

Blast from the past

Next week’s episode they take a trip down memory lane and we get to take a look at the couples lives before they were married at first sight! Tune in next week to see how these dates go and what some couples find out about their spouse’s past!

hope you enjoyed this week recap see you next week for more MAFS xoxo Maya

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